Though most of the building in large cities of Pakistan have a room of improvement but some building who have marvelous architecture cannot be overlooked, thanks to the talented architects. However, the architectural designs keep on changing with time as the choices of people change. So these are some emerging trends in Pakistan which will for sure keep on changing with time. Energy Saving residencies: Technology is not just having a good mobile with great specification as many people think nowadays. Technology brings development in each and every sector when in bloom. Technology has not only improved the architecture but also helped in building functional houses where one can lead a reliable and relaxed living. All big societies in Pakistan have insulated such materials in houses to make them energy efficient. For instance, the perfectly insulated house not only keep the people living safe but also saves the home in extreme climatic conditions. The insulated homes also cut down electricity consumptions due to inverters etc. New unground heating and cooling systems keep the internal temperature balanced. Big Lawns Are out Of Fashion- Big Homes are in: It might sound funny but you will seldom find any big lawn in the newly created societies. The reason is that now people want big homes but compact lawns. This may be due to the inclusion of large parks and greenery in societies due to which people are more inclined towards going there rather than wasting the space in lawns. Yes, Big Homes are in fashion! Everyone wants the multi-storied building with a complete home on every floor to accommodate their Kids- thanks to the combined family system in Pakistan. Large Windows: The trend of making small windows is gone. Now people want large window preferably with a good view from them. Yes, there are many homes whose window reach ceilings from the floor and it looks very nice. The sliding windows also act as a door and can be used for going out when attached to some other room or terrace. Interior Decorators: Gone are days when the women of the house used to do the overall interior of it. Now people want a perfect place of living and even can spend money on hiring an Interior decorator who can design the house in the best possible way keeping in view the instructions of owners. Large Garage Spaces: Large Garage space is a need of everyone. Now every person of the house owns a card so people are more inclined towards getting large garage space befitting them to park their cars comfortably without any fear. Decorative False Ceiling: Everyone wants to own a beautiful house. What’s more beautiful than a decorated false ceiling with good lighting system? So a decorative false ceiling is a must have in every home nowadays. Tough the trends keep on changing with time. So maybe next year the trend would be somewhat different. Just go with the wind. At the end of the day, there is nothing to worry about as there is always a room for renovation when it comes to new trends. People are inclined toward modern houses as they are not just comfortable to live in but also have a high sale value. Do you think we have forgotten any major trend? Please let us know more trends by posting in the comment section of the blog below. Also Read: Latest Tech Trends to Impact Pakistani Industries