After neglecting it for so long, finally, Google has launched the bulk of features that will help people to enjoy Snapshot on Android and iOS devices. Soon Google Assistant Snapshot users will be able to see a summary of other major tasks at the top of the feed. The company is also making it easier for users to remember birthdays and special holidays.

Google Gives Life to Snapshot for Android and iOS

Moreover, Google has also introduced “tailored recommendations”. These recommendations will be provided as per user’s preferences whether he/she searches for podcasts, recipes, nearby restaurants, and anything else. These recommendations will be shown at different times of the day. Till now, people were quite confused about triggering Snapchat through Google Assistant. This was the reason why most of the users were not using it. Google has finally made it easier for users to access snapshots. All you need to say is “Hey Google, show me my day.” This voice command is only available in English as it is the default language. Google has promised users to bring more native languages for users in the coming month which will make communication easier. Moreover, Snapchat can also be used for notification. You can also ask Google assistant to remind you about the upcoming bills, flights, and more updates like whether. All the English speaking regions will be getting notifications about the upcoming birthdays. By clicking on the notification, the user will be directed to the Snapshot card that offers multiple options like calling and texting. Also Read: Google Assistant’s Snapshot Feature Gets Birthday Reminders