KPITB Rolls Out E-commerce and SDGs Diploma Program For the Youth of KP

During the launching ceremony, the advisor Mr. Bangash explained the warm response that the program had already accumulated. According to him, He further told that the government of KP is very concerned about teaching modern skills such as e-commerce to the youth of KP. The propagation of these skills will enable the young generation to start their own businesses and eventually become financially independent. Ammar Jafri who is secretary Science and Information Technology and e-Pakistan founder was among the attendees of the launch ceremony. He highlighted an important aspect of this program, The launch of this program solely can be viewed as part of a larger process that is bringing forth a digital transformation in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. With the number of 3G/4G users rising all over the country, more and more people are able to access the digital opportunities that will enable them to become skilled workers and contributors to the country’s progress in this modern digital age. In a statement, the KPITB said, Check out? KPITB Launches A New Program For Digital jobs Through Advanced Digital Skill in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa