Netflix Update for Android Allows Users to Speed up or Slow Down Streaming Content

Two years back, Google had also introduced the same functionality on its video streaming platform YouTube. YouTube being the bigger platform had a wider range of playback options as compared to Netflix, including .25x, .5x, .75x, 1.0x, 1.25x, 1.5x, 1.75x, and 2x. For Netflix, subscribers will need to adjust the speed before viewing every video. This capability is introduced so that users don’t have to watch every video at fast speed. It means, if you have selected a playback speed of .75x for some season. The next title to be played will start at 1.0x unless a different speed is selected. While telling about this new feature, Netflix said: “We’ve also been mindful of the concerns of some creators. “It’s why we have capped the range of playback speeds and require members to vary the speed each time they watch something new — versus fixing their settings based on the last speed they used.” “The feature has been much requested by members for years. Most important of all, our tests show that consumers value the flexibility it provides whether it’s rewatching their favorite scene or slowing things down because they’re watching with subtitles or have hearing difficulties.” The feature will launch for everyone today. Also Read: Netflix Reaches 1 billion Downloads on Google Play