Fill your new year’s resolution list this year with goals that are simple, good-for-you. Do one of these quick changes in lifestyle every day, and you’re not just going to jump off a better body and mind, you’re going to feel amazing and psyched to make 2020 your best year ever.   There are tips here to calm you down and relieve your stress, help your skin glow and organize the crazy in your life. You will find easy ways to squeeze in your busy days a little more exercise and sound de-cluttering techniques. Hoping to make the year 2020 a little slimmer? We have some fantastic, new ideas to help you get there. It is time to put you first this year. For even more inspiration from “new year, new you,” don’t miss these inspiring quotes from the New Year. 

Build a better budget 

If there is one New Year’s resolution that will benefit you as much as possible in the long run, saving more money would make a vow. Until heading back to the office, outline a schedule that works for you— and decide how you’re going to stick to it. Apps like Mint and You Need a Budget (YNAB) will support as painlessly as you do it. 

Read more books 

January is the perfect time of year for a new book to snuggle up. Keep accountable for the pledge of this New Year by opening a Good reads account and reviewing every book you read. You will have a good snapshot of how well you have accomplished this target by next year. 

Eat veggies regularly 

Whether you’re slimming down or just staying healthy, vegetables are your mates, says, top fitness experts. Jumping onto onions, peppers, mushrooms, corn or whatever in the freezer — and putting it on a baby’s bed of arugula and spinach.” Sounds delicious isn‘t it? 

Take the stairs 

Bring up the stairs in your office or home for 10 minutes. A research in the Physiology & Behavior newspaper found that exhausted people climbing stairs for 10 minutes had a greater boost of energy than those who had the caffeine equivalent of a can of soda or half a cup of coffee (and also burned calories!). 

Drink up 

You realize you need to hydrate — but when you only get six hours of sleep (or less!) it’s especially important. You are more likely to be dehydrated the day after a short night of zzz’s— because the later stages of sleep release a hormone that regulates the water conservation of your body. So down on those days some extra water. 

Volunteer, volunteer, volunteer 

If it’s a national day event or something which is official for country’s goodwill, volunteer it. Volunteering to clean up a park or work in a sanctuary for animals is a great time. And research shows that routine pitching can lead to lower blood pressure and less tension. So use this day to continue a personal commitment for a longer period of time. 

Explore new hobbies 

Another Sunday of sleep? Today’s the day you’re trying Ethiopian food, attending a ballet, or taking a class of painting — anything that’s fun. They found that those who complained about major boredom were about twice as likely to die from heart disease when researchers followed 7,500 people for 25 years. 

Bye-bye to too tight denim. “Using smaller clothes as a reason to slim down is baloney,” says Kit Yarrow, Ph.D, “and it appears to backfire.” Studies show that muffin-top shame doesn’t improve, but focuses on being safe. Take a lighter-cooking lesson or meet a friend for a walk after doing your Goodwill drop-off. 

Write to yourself 

Jot down the kind words you would say to a friend in the same situation when your inner critic picks up her bullhorn. “We have such a difficult time channeling compassion for ourselves,” says Emma Seppala, Ph.D., of Stanford’s Research Center for Compassion and Altruism. “Writing it down makes changing perspective simpler.” 

Give yourself more compliments 

You should infact you have to say this to yourself to keep reminding that how important you are.”Today is my day. I’m grateful for me.” Positive self-talking can help you focus on what’s good in your life, says psychologist Joy Harden Bradford, Ph.D. Research shows that a small amount of vitamin G (for gratitude) can make you feel happier and happier and even better at sleep. For me, this is one of the important new year’s resolution for 2020. 

Spend less time glued to your phone 

83 percent of readers in a survey told us they lost track of how long they spent on their computers. But for more enjoyable pastimes like walking the dog and coffee with friends, it can be difficult to trade screen time short of deleting all social apps. Whether you’re an iPhone team or an Android team, you can download the latest software to access built-in tools to help track your personal use of the app. 

Ease stress with kindness 

Your goodness to yourself! Recent research shows that when our bodies are under chronic stress, exercising self-compassion often reduces the heart rate and sweating of a person. So take some time to reflect on something you enjoy about yourself every day. 

Be current about current events

Because of the lightning-fast news cycle, # fakenews and our own hectic lives, it can be hard to keep up with what’s going on in the world. But staying informed is more important than ever. If on Facebook or Twitter you’re sick of sifting through garbage, visit Flipboard. 

Learn a new skill 

Physical exercise keeps your body healthy, and the key to keeping your mind sharp is mental exercise. Trying something new can increase the ability of memory and more. Turn to the pros of (celeb)! 

Switch up your routine

Some exercise is good for you, but one study found that people who exercised in multiple ways were less likely to have shorter telomeres, DNA fragments at the ends of chromosomes that tend to break down as we age (longer telomeres are thought to be an indicator that the body ages slowly). Time to switch up to rock climbing, pilates, crew and so many other choices.