Pakistan Among Top Five Countries with Highest Number of TikTok Videos Removed Over Violations

In a statement, a spokesperson at TikTok said, In order to address the problem, the video-sharing platform said it has released an updated publication of its community guidelines in Urdu that will help maintain “a supportive and welcoming environment on TikTok for users in Pakistan”. According to the statement, TikTok’s mechanisms automatically flag some types of videos that may violate its community guidelines or against its terms of services. But because technology today isn’t so exceptional that a platform can only rely on it to enforce its policies therefore the company employs a team of trained moderators to help review and remove content on its platform. For instance, TikTok said underlying circumstances can be crucial when determining whether certain content, like satire, is violative.  One other way of determining is based on reports that it receives from its users. Check out? TikTok updates community guidelines in Urdu to help maintain a supportive and welcoming environment for its Pakistan users