PBS for achieving its objective of collecting, compiling and disseminating of data in reliable and user friendly way has taken initiative under “Digital Transformation” of PBS to shift from unidimensional approach of data dissemination of providing data in fixed/aggregate format to an interactive and customized approach which will provide latest information along with time series data and infographic of data dissemination through dash board. In this regard PBS has launched two dashboards. These dashboards will provide open access of data with gender and urban/rural break down along with comparison with previous years of various indicators as per requirement of data users and facilitate the users to access the valuable information under one umbrella in a minimum time. The initiative of PBS will lead to increased used of PBS data for evidence based policy and Planning. Pakistan Social & Living Standards Measurement Survey (PSLM) was a PSDP funded project. PSLM Project commenced in 2004 and continued up to June, 2015.The PSLM Project was designed to provide Social & Economic indicators in the alternate years at provincial and district level. Afterwards PSLM has become regularactivity of PBS. PSLM district level survey collects information on key social indicators whereas PSLM provincial level survey which is called PSLM/HIES, gather information on income and consumption as well as on social indicators. Eleven rounds of PSLM have been completed. Objectives of the exercise is monitoring development plans at district level, assessment of programs initiated under Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper(PRSP) and data is used by planners/policy makers, research workers, statisticians and national/international organizations etc. PSLM data on education is a good source to monitor the progress in education sector with detailed comparison between the data results before and after the implementation of devolution. PSLM data on health is a good source to monitor the progress in health sector with detailed comparison between the data results before and after the implementation of devolution. PSLM data on water and sanitation is a good source to monitor the progress in sanitation sector with detailed comparison between the data results before and after the implementation of devolution. The SDGs are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges, including those related to poverty, inequality, peace and justice.