In a report submitted to the IHC, PTA stated that the pornographic material was one of the most blocked content. According to the report, PTA has blocked 865,187 links of pornographic websites. Moreover, PTA also removed over 16,000 links of websites and blogs containing hate material against defence forces and national security. Furthermore, 22,000 pieces of content containing sectarianism were also blocked by the authority.

Check Also: PTA Blocked ‘’ in Pakistan Because of Unlawful Content The PTA report stated the authority contacted the management of the social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Youtube, in order to remove content from sites. Just recently, PTA has erased 778 links of a film’s blasphemous content from online media. According to the PTA, it “distinguished 778 links on different stages, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Daily Motion, Instagram, TikTok, Reddit,, and and were having trailers and promotions of the film”. For More Details Please Visit: PTA Removes 778 links Containing the Blasphemous Content Source: Dawn News