It seems that the photo and video-sharing app has discovered a new way to retain users for longer. The users will get to see the posts from accounts having similar content to the ones they follow or the posts they like and save.

Scroll Endlessly with Instagram Suggested Posts

Until now, we were seeing a “You’re All Caught Up” message which notifies us that we had scrolled through recent posts from the accounts we follow but now you will notice a change. From now onwards, you will get to scroll through more posts based on people you follow. With the launch of “suggested posts,” Instagram is expanding its feed and users will get the option to keep scrolling and explore more content. Gutman says the product wasn’t designed to keep people glued to their phones. “I think for us this really came from a vision a couple years ago around people really seeing feed as a place for their interests, and with the improvement in machine learning and our ability to kind of make it easier for you to see some more of those posts that are on Instagram every day, and really bring that personalized relevance to you,” he says. “So we just want to make it really easy for people to see that [relevant content] when they get to the end of their feed. That’s really the motivation here, make it easier for you to go deeper on your interest.” Well, it seems that with the suggested posts feature, Instagram is following the TikTok tactics, which keeps users engaged in a continuous feed of content that never ends. Recommended Reading: Instagram Launches QR Codes Globally