Soon You will Know why a random number is calling on Google’s Phone app

Google has updated the app to include verified calls that recognize who is calling them and also revealed the reason for the call. Google’s official support site has revealed this new feature while explaining that users will see the business logo and name along with the reason of call such as ‘Scheduling your internet installation’ or ‘Your food delivery.’” Due to this, one would be able to decide to pick up the call without giving a second thought. All the calls will go through Google’s verified calls server, so some of the businesses that will participate will be able to share the info with users so that you will answer them. Those businesses that will not share their info will not be 100% sure whether their calls will be picked up or not. Google will turn on these settings for every user however if you like to stay mysterious, you can turn this feature off as well. The company has assured that all the private information of users will remain safe with them. Furthermore, this feature is launched in chucks, so if you have not received it yet, you might have to wait a little longer. Also Read: Google Phone App Shows Up on Play Store for Non-Google Phones