Opinion of Experts on Importance of Digitalization in the contemporary Era:

Managing Director, StarTimes Communication Network Technology, China, George Gu said that ICT products and services are contributing significantly in the GDP growth rate around the world and millions are being employed. He said digital technology is changing the social environment upon which human beings depend, therefore, technologies like digital broadcasting is changing and revolutionizing the education and e-learning in remote areas, such as in hundreds of villages of Africa. Speaking at a session on Youth & Peace Building in the Digital Age, Adnan Rafique from USIP Pakistan said that 52% youths use mobile phones and rest of them don’t use them, so the access to digital age is important for peace building. He said 80% youths voted in last elections in Pakistan which shows their participation in politics. Must see? Foreign Payment Limit For Freelancers Raised To $5000- SBP Speaking at another panel discussion on “Technology & Labor Market: Preparing Pakistan for the Future,” Dr Amitabh Kundu from India said the downside projection is based on critical assumption that there will be overall skill development. Riaz Fatyana, the Convener of Parliamentary Task Force on SDGs), said budget is one of the limiting factors in effective and efficient management of water. The other factors are lack of baseline data and research in the particular field, he said, adding that only 0.06% of the national budget is deployed in science and technology. Basharat Saeed from World Bank, Pakistan pointed out that water is not a constraint in economic development of Pakistan. The basic digital infrastructure is a must in managing water. Speaking at a concurrent session on Managing Our Water: Collective Action in the Digital Age, experts said that the highly water consumptive lifestyles will soon convert Pakistan into a desert so, a well-designed set of prompt and collaborative actions need to be taken at both ends i.e. the government (supplier) and public (consumer). “Pakistan is not facing water scarcity rather it is the judicial supply and efficient use. Experts said technology crisis occurs due to wrong decisions and the complex decision making and suggested that license must be asked for the import and export of technology between different countries. Air Chief Marshal (retd) Kaleem Saadat said that technology is based on science while administration is its function without which it could not come in circle. Technology brings evolution in our lives and there would be legal issues before the use of its invention, he said. Maj-Gen. (retd) Samrez Salik said that social media has deep impact on our lives where the bullets are replaced by the tweets. Ms Ingrid Christensen, Country Director of ILO Pakistan, emphasized that the future of work and digitization should be viewed in the newer context of demographic changes, climate changes and the deviation from the traditional employer-employee relationship. It was highlighted by panelists that in the context of Pakistan there is a dire need to bridge the gap between demand & supply of labour; a need to bring industry in the loop where skill set should be industry responsive.