Telegram is constantly upgrading its features to make it more convenient for its users to use the service. Users can now invite links to let other users access your community or channel instantly, according to a new update to the messaging app. “You may create several other links with custom properties, such as a limited time or number of uses, in addition to the permanent connection. “You can adjust the font size of messages to see your chats – and without your glasses,” the platform announced in a Twitter tweet.

— Telegram Messenger (@telegram) March 8, 2021   It also released a new update that allows users to remove any messages, chats, call history, or groups they’ve formed at any time. Deleted objects vanish entirely without a trace for all participants. Your data is your business, and you own it completely. Before sending out messages, users will be able to set a timer of 24 hours or 7 days, after which those messages will be automatically removed for users in one-on-one conversations, groups, and networks. Only administrators will be able to activate this function in groups and channels. Previously, this function was only available for hidden chats, Telegram’s version of end-to-end encrypted chats. Telegram is adding broadcast groups, expiring invite connections, scannable QR codes as joining invites, home screen widgets for Android and iOS, and more to the web.