The co-founder of company Pavel Durov broke this news on Telegram and revealed that this step is taken to keep the service operational in coming years ahead. He laid down a two-fold plan regarding it. The first part mainly focuses on providing people with premium features for business and power users but all the other features will remain free. Moreover, the company will launch some new features for making users’ experience better than before.

Telegram Introduces Monetization Plans for Business and Power Users

The second part will focus on introducing ads on public channels. These channels will be run by individuals or groups and will contain chats while allowing anyone to join it. The growing popularity of these groups has compelled the company to turn in to the modern alternative of old groups where many people can communicate with each other. Apart from this, the co-founder of Telegram also announced that the company will keep on acting as an independent entity. To keep it working as an independent company, Telegram has to take the monetization step that will help it keep sailing in the pool of such apps. Furthermore, the company has just recently rolled out a major update that adds much-needed voice chat supports to groups. The update has also brought along faster-loading stickers showing outline before they finish loading. This update is already live on mobile platforms however the company has not shared words regarding its launch on mobile devices. The monetization aspects will be revealed in detail by the start of 2021. Also Read: Telegram Adds Video Call Support to All its Apps