Twitter is working on More Tweet Reactions, Similar to Facebook

Currently, Twitter is testing this feature. There are no words when the feature will be available for all.

“Likes”, “Cheer”, “Hmm”, “Sad”, “Haha” The icons for the Cheer and Sad reactions are WIP and shown as the generic heart one at the moment — Jane Manchun Wong (@wongmjane) May 28, 2021 On the other hand, Twitter is continuously adding some useful features to entertain its users. Just recently, it has added a new way to earn money. Twitter has now let its user add a virtual tip jar to accounts so people can support their tweets by tossing in money. Moreover, Twitter is now asking its users to enable ad tracking under Apple’s App Tracking Transparency rules. After updating to version 8.65, which adds Spaces support, Twitter users will see a popup that asks them to “keep ads relevant” by allowing Twitter to track data from other companies like apps they are using and websites they are visiting. Check Also: Twitter Urges Users to Allow ad Tracking